Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Making search engine index Flash sites properly

Search Engine SDK FAQ

Who should use the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK?

The Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK is designed for search engine application engineering teams. Users of the SDK can add Flash file decompression, parsing, and indexing features to their server-based search applications.

Intermediate and advanced Flash developers may find the SDK useful for other server-based text and link extraction/conversion purposes, or for client-side testing of their Flash content against the basic Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK code.

How does the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK work?

The SDK includes an application named ‘swf2html’. Swf2html extracts text and links from a Flash .SWF file, and returns the data to stdout or as an HTML document. Swf2html is provided as a compiled application, and as a static library for linked library implementation. For complete functionality, see the file Readme.htm included in the SDK.

What is included in the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK?

Included in the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK are the following:

  1. swf2html executable files, for command-line implementation
  2. libswf2html static libraries, for linked library implementation
  3. zlib decompression library for decompressing Flash Player 6 files that have been compressed
  4. C++ source code
  5. Technical readme file (Readme.htm) that covers:
    • What swf2html extracts from a SWF file
    • Sample output
    • Command-line implementation
    • Linked library implementation
    • Build note
What are the system requirements for the SDK?

The SDK supports processing SWF files created for Flash Player 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 and has been tested on Windows NT4, Windows 2000 Professional, and Linux RedHat 7.1 systems. Additional platforms should be built using the SDK.

Will search engines that deploy the Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK be able to decompress my compressed Macromedia Flash Player 6 files?

Yes. The Flash Search Engine SDK code supports SWF files created for Flash Player 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Can search engines index Macromedia Flash content that was created with Flash 3 or Flash 4?

Yes. The Flash Search Engine SDK code supports SWF files created for Flash Player 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

When can I expect to have my Flash content included in third party search engine indexes?

Adobe is working to support a number of search engine companies, but has not made any announcements about specific search engine support. For up-to-date information on this effort, visit the Adobe Flash Developer Center, as well as individual search sites for future developments.

Where can I find out more information about the Flash Search Engine SDK?
See the Readme file included with the Flash Search Engine SDK.


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